Community Resources
Greenville Financial Empowerment Center - www.GreenvilleFEC.com, Phone: (864) 467-7503
The FEC offers financial counseling to help improve one's credit score, reduce debts, increase savings, budget better, and reduce financial stress. The FEC is located at County Square at the corner of Church Street and University Ridge Road. It has helped many MICAH participants improve their skills in handling money and budgeting.
United Way South Carolina - www.sc211.org, Phone: 211
South Carolina 211 is your one-stop resource for finding assistance in your local community. You may call '211' any time or text 'Help' to '211-211'. This service is free and is available in multiple languages.
Catholic Charities - https://charitiessc.org, Phone:
(864) 331-2626
Catholic Charities offers a variety of support services ranging from food and clothing to immigration support.
FoodShare Greenville - www.FoodShareGreenville.org, Phone: (864) 366-3485
FoodShare Greenville provides a box of fresh foods every two weeks, at a number of convenient locations, at very low cost. The box costs only $15, or $5 with SNAP/EBT. Call to learn delivery dates and how to order.
United Ministries - www.united-ministries.org, Phone: (864) 232-6463
United Ministries provides a variety of services, including emergency assistance, housing, and financial counseling. It is located at 606 Pendleton Street and has helped many Upstate residents and MICAH participants.
SHARE Community Action - www.sharesc.org, Phone: (864) 269-0700
SHARE helps low- and moderate-income residents of Upstate South Carolina. It can help pay utility bills and overdue rent. SHARE helps with finding employment and job training.
Greenville County Human Relations - www.greenvillecounty.org/humanrelations, Phone:
(864) 467-7095
Greenville County Human Relations can help renters deal with landlords, resolve disputes and avoid eviction. The service is free. It is located at County Square at the corner of Church Street and University Ridge Road. It has helped many MICAH participants with tenant-landlord issues.